The Coolest Gadgets for a 21st Century Home | TGN
As technology advances, so do our homes. Even though we’re used to everyday chores, why shouldn’t they be made more manageable, pleasant and *gasp* fun?
Smart home gadgets have been steadily gaining in popularity, and for good reason – on the whole they can make our lives easier and enable us to get on with the things that matter.
Once upon a time, smart phones set the world alight – obviously not literally or that would’ve been the end of them, and lithium-ion batteries arrived with fanfares and drum rolls. Now, we treat them as though they’ve been around forever, and new tech is arriving daily, often slipping into our lives without us even realising the effort that’s gone into creating such advancements.
Whether you want to create that minimalist futuristic look for your home, or to tighten security, there are clever gadgets that can help you achieve that.
With a smart thermostat, you can turn the heating on while you’re at work, giving you a warm, welcoming home to return to. Smart speakers can play music or even answer questions just by talking to them, and with smart lights, you can change the atmosphere in a room without even leaving the sofa!
The Gadget Nerds have shouldered the burden and taken on the responsibility for testing out many of these cool high tech home gadgets, often bringing you our expert opinion before the product even reaches the market.
Home entertainment is always going to be up there on everyone’s list of cool gadgets to have. With their impressive resolution, 4K UHD TVs are becoming a must for film buffs, sports fans or the nature doc lover. Until you’ve watched one, you have no idea what you’re missing out on. The colors, the picture, and the sounds are amazing – you could actually be at the Super Bowl, or in the jungle watching a leopard stalking prey. With their smart technology allowing internet access, they have rapidly become the hub of home entertainment.
Traditionally the Vacuum cleaner was a push along, maneuver under the sofa, and reach high for cobwebs type of product, but not anymore! Cool gadget #2 is the awesome robot vacuum cleaner! If you haven’t seen one at work, you haven’t lived! These little guys just get on with picking up your mess while you’re busy elsewhere – they don’t fuss, never complain and your home is always spotless.
Most are smart tech enabled, meaning that you can set them off on their mission to clean while you’re at work, on a date, or in the supermarket. You know those times when a friend invites themselves round and you haven’t vacuumed in days? Well, the shame of a carpet covered in Cheerios and cat fluff is no more!
Talking of the cat, what do pets get up to when we’re out? Does little Buddy pine for human company, or does he invite his puppy pals round to watch the game? Cool gadget #3 is the slightly unnerving and infinitely absorbing pet camera! Through the power of smart technology, you can check that your beloved pet is okay, reassure him with your voice, and even dispense treats. We challenge anyone who has one, not to check in at least a couple of times during the working day – we certainly did and found it difficult to turn away.
However, this gadget has another great benefit – because we can observe our pets when they aren’t aware of us, health problems are easier to spot. Are they drinking more than usual, eating less, sleeping too much, or displaying signs of anxiety? Cats, especially, try to hide sickly behavior and a pet cam can be a useful aid to diagnosis.
These are just a handful of cool techy gadgets that we’re loving in our homes. For more home inspiration, keep exploring our website.